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Total Time (ms)

Max Memory (RSS, KiB)



Subtask Results

Subtask no. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~2 保證今天的日期爲僞迴文日期 10 / 10
2 3~5 保證明天的日期爲僞迴文日期 20 / 20
3 0~11 所有的日期都在西元 10000 年元旦之前 70 / 70

Testdata Results

Testdata no. Subtasks Time (ms) Memory (VSS, KiB) Memory (RSS, KiB) Verdict Score
0 1 3 0002.9 6204 3404 Accepted 100
1 1 3 0001.8 6204 3448 Accepted 100
2 1 3 0003.4 6204 3452 Accepted 100
3 2 3 0001.6 6204 3648 Accepted 100
4 2 3 0001.4 6204 3480 Accepted 100
5 2 3 0002.5 6204 3516 Accepted 100
6 3 0001.4 6204 3448 Accepted 100
7 3 0003.5 6204 3652 Accepted 100
8 3 0003.5 6204 3516 Accepted 100
9 3 0003.8 6204 3520 Accepted 100
10 3 0003.3 6204 3512 Accepted 100
11 3 0001.7 6204 3516 Accepted 100
Code Length:
837 Bytes
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